Fotografie einer Industrieanlage mit grünen Rohren die vom Dach der Fabrik auf den Boden führen.

Carbon accounting for industrial companies made easy

Discover how we are working with industry leaders to redefine what sustainable business can mean for industrial companies.

CO₂-Fußabdruck berechnen und regulatorischen Aufwand signifikant reduzieren

Achieve a full balance sheet in just 8 weeks – perfectly tailored to the needs of the manufacturing industry.

Discover features

“The Tanso software shows its full strength when used over the long term. Thanks to the stored information and automations, we are already saving about 50% of our time in the second year."

Foto von Alexander Brevern,
Mirko Münstermann
Head of procurement at heroal

Gather Data

  • Cloud-based collaboration
  • Uncomplicated processing for thousands of data points
  • Raw data upload for Excel/CSV files
Produkt Screenshot der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierung Software mit Darstellungen zur Erfassung von Daten.

Calculate Emissions

  • Automated calculation of carbon footprints
  • Access to all public emission factors (includingD-BEIS/DEFRA, ProBas, EPA)
  • Specifically tailored for industrial companies

Understand your emissions

  • Comprehensive transparency of all emissions
  • Detailed breakdown by key segments
  • Efficient hotspot identification

CO₂-Fußabdruck reduzieren

  • More capacity for value-adding measures
  • Clear objectives in accordance with SBTi or your own goals
  • Initiative controlling for effective decarbonization

Communicate your results

  • Generate report-ready data at the touch of a button
  • Ensure compliance with prevalent standards (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064)
  • Establish Tanso as the single source for various reporting outputs
Produkt Screenshots der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierungssoftware auf dem exportierbare CO2 Berichtserstattungen zu sehen sind.
Corporate carbon footprint

Machen Sie sich Nachhaltigkeit einfacher. Mit unserem CO₂-Rechner.

Profitieren Sie von der Präzision der Tanso-Software – optimal abgestimmt auf die Anforderungen der fertigenden Industrie.


Eröffnen Sie in wenigen Minuten Ihr Konto und setzen Sie Ihr Profil auf. Fordern Sie standort- und fachabteilungsübergreifend effizient Daten an. Nutzen Sie hierfür Datenanfragen über unser Aufgabenmanagement oder unseren Rohdatenupload für Excel/CSV-Dateien. Für umfangreiche Datensätze können Sie alternativ auch unsere API nutzen.

  • Cloud-basierte Zusammenarbeit
  • Intuitives Projektmanagement
  • Unkomplizierte Verarbeitung tausender Datenpunkte
Produkt Screenshot der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierung Software mit Darstellungen zur Erfassung von Daten.
Produkt Screenshot der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierung Software mit Darstellungen zur Berechnung von Emissionen.

Emissionen berechnen

Ermitteln Sie Ihren direkten und indirekten CO₂-Fußabdruck (Scope 1-3) über unsere benutzerfreundliche Web-App. Nutzen Sie Tansos umfassende Emissionsfaktoren-Datenbank oder erstellen Sie eigene, lieferantenspezifische Faktoren, um noch genauere Werte zu erhalten.

  • Automatisierte Berechnung Ihres CO₂-Fußabdrucks
  • Zugang zu allen öffentlichen Emissionsfaktoren 
(einschließlich D-BEIS/DEFRA, ProBas, EPA)
  • Speziell für Industrieunternehmen entwickelt

Emissionen verstehen

Ermitteln Sie Ihre Emissionen nach Produktgruppe, Standort, Lieferant oder Abteilung, um Emissions-Schwerpunkte zu identifizieren. Mit unseren Analysen finden Sie heraus, wo sich Emissionen in Ihrem Unternehmen konzentrieren und können gezielt in den Austausch mit Fachabteilungen gehen.

  • Umfassende Transparenz aller Emissionen
  • Detaillierte Aufschlüsselung nach Hauptsegmenten
  • Effiziente Identifizierung von Schwerpunkten
Produkt Screenshot der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierung Software mit Darstellungen zur Co2 Reduktion.

Fußabdruck reduzieren

Entwickeln Sie eine datengestützte Dekarbonisierungsstrategie, legen Sie Ihre Emissionsziele fest und überwachen Sie Ihre Fortschritte genau. Erarbeiten Sie Dekarbonisierungspläne und vergleichen Sie Ihre Ziele mit den Standards der Science-Based-Targets Initiative (SBTi).

  • Mehr Kapazitäten für wertschöpfende Maßnahmen
  • Klare Zielsetzung gemäß SBTi oder den eigenen Zielen
  • Initiativen-Controlling für effektive Dekarbonisierung

Ergebnisse kommunizieren

Kommunizieren Sie Ihre Fortschritte. Mit Tanso informieren Sie Kunden, Regulierungsbehörden und andere Interessensgruppen mühelos über Ihren CO₂-Fußabdruck, der anerkannten Standards (GHG-Protokoll, GRI, ISO usw.) entspricht.

  • Erstellung berichtsfertiger Daten auf Knopfdruck
  • Sicherstellung von Konformität mit gängigen Standards 
(GHG-Protokoll, GRI, ISO 14064)
  • Tanso als Single-Source-of-Truth für die Berichterstattung
Success Stories

Leading industrial companies rely on Tanso for decarbonization

Discover how we are working with industry leaders to redefine what sustainable business can mean for industrial companies.

Discover Tanso – 

Your comprehensive solution for sustainability reporting


Frequently asked questions about Tanso

Implementation, regulatory details, and more. Find your answers here.

What steps in the compliance process does Tanso cover?

Tanso guides you during ESRS data collection, reporting and assurance. Once companies have performed the double materiality assessment, Tanso helps you find and gather the right data points in the right formats - being easy to understand for collaborators with few past experiences with ESG. Our main focus lies in scaling the data collection across multiple facilities and keeping this often messy and lengthy process audit proof and comparable over time.

When and how should I start looking into CSRD compliance?

Many medium to large sized enterprises have started their compliance process. For companies with a certain size, the first report needs to be submitted in 2026, for financial year 2025. We advise customers and prospects to do a test run of data collection until summer 2024. This way they can set up the right processes and purchase software in time for 2025. Feel free to reach out to us for more questions.

Does Tanso help me in with CSRD compliance?

CSRD reports will need to be reviewed by financial auditors. To make this process easier and save time, our software includes audit trails, lets you include attachments and grant viewing access to auditors. This process has been proven with auditors to more easily verify the completeness and correctness of your data.

How does Tanso help manage data from different data sources and IT systems?

Tanso allows you to gather the needed data across departments and locations. This might happen via simple data request forms or through raw data uploads from excel/csv files. To process large data sets more easily we also offer an API. We attach the data sources directly to the disclosure requirements in a GDPR compliant way, to make sure we remain audit proof.

Why is Tanso the right solution to help my company report on CSRD?

Tanso is built on precise and automated Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon accounting. CO₂e emissions are among the most complex data points within CSRD, and gathering carbon emissions activities is structurally very similar to other environmental, social or governance data. Tanso allows you to reuse that functionality to roll out the data collection process across your facilities, track their progress and manage your performance over time.

What is the difference between the Tanso modules for CCF and PCF calculations?

We offer PCF as an add-on module to our CCF core product. Since we use the overlapping data base of CCF and PCF, Tanso saves time and costs to calculate PCFs.

What data format is required to calculate carbon emissions in Tanso?

The software can use finance-related, quantity-related or supplier-specific data for the emission calculation. Since the methods can be combined, we offer maximum flexibility based on your available data. In addition, the software offers more than 20,000 emission factors, which are always kept up to date by us.

How easily can Tanso integrate with my existing systems like ERP and purchasing platforms?

Tanso offers two opportunities to interact with internal ERP systems. With our intelligent export-import-solution the exported raw data from ERP systems can be uploaded in Tanso. Within the Tanso software the data can be directly structured and automatically processed. For customer requesting more frequent within-year accounting, it is also possible to integrate Tanso based on an Application Programming Interface (API).

Does Tanso offer training and ongoing support?

Our expert customer success and climate intelligence team offers initial support and assisting customers in creating their first carbon balance with Tanso. Additionally, we offer an extensive in-app knowledge base and as needed specific training sessions beyond the initial workshops.

What are Tansos data security and privacy measures?

The Tanso Software is fully GDPR compliant and operates on Microsoft Azure servers, which are located in Frankfurt, Germany, and are ISO 27001 certified. This ensures that robust data security and privacy measures are in place.

How time-consuming is the implimentation of the software into my organisation?

Tanso is web-based and does not necessitate ERP system integration, resulting in minimal IT effort. Typically, the first carbon balance sheet is ready within two to three months after our kickoff workshop, considering only half a day of weekly effort on your side.

What reporting standards and certifications does Tanso support?

Our corporate carbon footprint software is certified according to the GHG Protocol by TÜV Rheinland and has been developed in compliance with ISO 14064. Through continuous development of the software, we ensure CSRD compliance even in the event of regulatory changes. Emissions calculated with Tanso can be exported and used in any other reporting format, for example in CDP and Ecovadis.

Can I calculate all Scope 1-3 emissions with Tanso?

All categories in Scope 1-3 can be calculated with Tanso. Our product’s biggest strengths lie in automatic data processing for data-intensive upstream scope 3 categories like procurement and logistics as well as gathering scope 1 and 2 data across complex organizations with international production.